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Willowbrook Vineyard

Willowbrook Vineyard
The Willowbrook Vineyard consists of 12 Mission vines planted 8 feet apart according to the viticultural practices of the time. The plants are head-trained, without wires, and have already started to produce fruit.
Before planting, we needed to prep the soil. We planted a cover crop, which we grew throughout a very rainy winter. When it was time to plough under the cover crop, so we could plant, a community member from across the street at the Watts Community Garden was kind enough to teach us how to use his tiller. Interesting fact: Rosa Parks was a member of the Watts Community Garden when she lived in L.A.
The cuttings were provided by the historic Rancho de Philo Winery in the Cucamonga Valley. We then grew then in pots in the garden. In the spring, we took the 12 best and planted them.
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